As a Home Remodelers, we always have our eyes open for new kitchen design trends, particularly as we enter a new year. Several news outlets and blogs have released lists of trends they expect to be popular, which are listed below.

The 3 Biggest Kitchen Trends of 2014 Might Surprise You, Huffington Post

The Huffington Post pulled their list from the people at Houzz, and found that the top three popular kitchen design trends, particularly for renovations, are black countertops, open shelving, and dark paint colors.

10 Top Kitchen Design Trends, HGTV

HGTV’s list included some classic kitchen design trends that continue to be popular, like the traditional black and white contrasts, incorporating lots of light, and apron-front sinks. It also mentions newer, modern sleek designs.

What’s In, What’s Out for Kitchens in 2014, Yahoo!

Similar to The Huffington Post, Yahoo! sees open cabinets as a trend for 2014. We would just recommend making sure that your dishes are presentable, and match somewhat, before you pursue this trend. This article also predicts that granite will be less popular this year because of its cost and lack of  reliability. Homeowners are also lightening up their kitchen floors, particularly because lighter floors hide scratches and damage better. If you’re interested in open shelving for your kitchen, here are a few tips from

For advice on how to incorporate these or any other design trend into your new or existing kitchen, contact our team at (609) 528-4066 or email us at

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